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Experimentation Three

Metamorphosis Photography : Part Three

Examples and Analysis

For my third exeriment I am going to do another part of metamorphosis, this time it will be the changing from one scenary to the next, a sort of changing of seasons type thing. These images are created through double exposure techiques created in photoshop, generally by  overlaying both images and changing the blending modes to make them look like one image.

Something which is has also been used is the use of colour palettes and lighting. As for the colour palettes, it is obvious that the colours have been desaturated slightly to make the two images match.

In the image to the left you can also see the transition between the

feather and the backround images of clouds. Although these are extremely desaturated and the opacity of them have been lowered so that they're hardly recognisable, they still add a specific type of look to the image.

Im my images I will trying to emulate the style processes but not actually copy the image completely, I will also be trying to analogue double exposure tecniques to see if they work well with this style or if they dont.

My Analogue Photography - Negatives


Below you can see the negatives which come from my analogue photography shoot. To do these properly the single strip of film was run through the camera twice on the same day. This gave a messy double exposure effect on the film, but it also worked really well. These images were developed and then scanned into the computer before put into photoshop to be edited.

My Analogue Photography - Final Pieces

Below are the final pieces after editing processes on Photoshop, these were created out of double exposured film.

My Digital Photography - Planning

Photoshoot No. 1

Where :
 Nature setting

When : 26 / 03 / 2016

Props : Feathers 

Equiptment : 700D Canon Camera.

Photoshoot No. 2

Where :
 Nature setting

When : 26 / 03 / 2016

Props : N/A

Equiptment : 700D Canon Camera.

My Digital Photography - Creation Process

To the left are screenshots which show the processes in which I worked in to produce my final images. These do not emulate the style above but to run along side it somewhat due to the fact I have used the same processes and the same effects that the originals have used.
These processes where extremely different to the processes needed to be done in the analogue photoshoot, for example the editing process was completely different for the analogue pictures compaired to the digital pictures. With the digital pictures I was able to move the positioning of the secondary image and make it look more effective unlike the film ones.


  1. To start with I went outside and started to take different photos, some of these were done by taking pictures of natural scenary and some of flowers / plants. But for my second shoot I held up leaves and features with the sky as the background before taking the pictures. The variety of these images would later be overlayed in Photoshop.

  2. Once all the pictrues had been taken I moved them from my SD card onto my laptop and sorted though each image looking for good qualities and back qualities in each image. 
    The images which had the most good qualities were put into a different folder on my laptop called refinements, I did this so it would be easier to pick which photos I wanted to edit into final pieces. 


  3. The images were then chosen and put into photoshop to be edited. Adding effects layers and blending modes I lightened some parts of the image and darkened some other parts adding contrast where I thought it needed to be.
    These photos were overlayed on different layers in Photoshop and then I multilied the different flower photos of the top of the feather images.


  4. Finally I finished up changing the exposure levels and the different effect I'd added onto the image before saving them as a JPG image onto my laptop and uploading them to this website.

My Digital Photography - Experimentation

Below are some experiments I did, these photos didn't turn out very well and it was from this I decided to re-do my photoshoots and try again. Below my experiments are my final pieces, which were the product of my second tried on this experimentation process.


My Digital Photography - Final Pieces


My Digital Photography - Contact Sheets


© 2015 / 2016 Keavey Henshaw photography

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