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Final Piece No. 1

My Photography - Creation Process

To the left are screenshots which show the processes in which I worked in to produce my final images. These images have been completely created and thought of by myself without inspirition from other sorces.


  1. To start with I began by setting up my studio and arranging the lights in the appropriate places, I then started to take pictures of my model in different poses with the lights set in different positions. 

  2. I then went and started taking images of paint droplets in water. Theres were specifically done because when dropping ink into water the pattern it gave didn't have the effect i was looking for.

  3. Once all the pictrues had been taken I moved them from my SD card onto my laptop and sorted though each image looking for good qualities and back qualities in each image. 
    The images which had the most good qualities were put into a different folder on my laptop called refinements, I did this so it would be easier to pick which photos I wanted to edit into final pieces. 


  4. The images were then chosen and put into photoshop to be edited.

  5. To create the paint droplet background I uploaded the best full images and then zoomed into them till it was about 400% zoom. I then went through each image and pen-tooled small sections of paint. These setions were then put together and blended together to make one image. This image was then sharpened to make it look more effective. This was done by using filters on phtooshop to sharpen different parts of the image.

  6. Adding effects layers and blending modes I lightened some parts of the image and darkened some other parts adding contrast where I thought it needed to be.

  7. Finally I finished up changing the exposure levels and the different effect I'd added onto the image before saving them as a JPG image onto my laptop and uploading them to this website.

My Photography - Experimentation

As for some experimenting, I decided to try my a head explosion effect. Although this didn't work very well it did help me devise a way of creating my final images properly. The trouble with this design was that the paint patterns didn't fit the body very well. From this I tried different blending modes and such but still nothing worked to make this effect look impressive. 

Therefore I changed my plan and went onto creating double exposed Ink and human figures instead of exploading human figures.  This was done to in keep with my experiment ideas of metamorphisis.

My Photography - Final Pieces


My Photography - Contact Sheets

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© 2015 / 2016 Keavey Henshaw photography

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