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Triptography is an specific technique whereby a roll of film is used three times. This can be done by the same photographer or, in the spirit of Exquisite Corpse, three different photographers. This causes it to be triple-exposed in such a way that the chances of any single photograph having a clear and definite subject is nearly impossible. The diresed effect is somewhat of a resembalance to a dream like state. The effects of this technique is to produce a endless overlapping image.

As you can see from the picture to the left, three different photos had been used to create one final image. Although it has not be created on film, the digital version of Triptography does give off the desired effect. 

Again as you can see from the image to the right there has also been three images used, to create this type of effect. Like the one above, it has aldo been done digitally. Although there is one downfall of doing Triptography digitally, and that is that fact you cannot archive a single continuous shot. This would be something you could archive using film due to the fact on film there would be no specific seperation in photos. 

Without a seperation in photos, there is no way to properly seperate the film, and what is where the " dream state " effect comes into play. All the images merge, and conect.

Analogue Triptography Results

These photos were taken by using a roll of film and exposing it three times. This created a trippy triptography effect seeing as there was no way to place the images over the top of each other, these photos were completely unknown until I'd printed them out, whilst doing three different rolls of film on the same strip all the photos started to merge int one.


Contact Sheets

Below are the strips of film once they were printed out, and scanned into my laptop. 


Digital Triptography

Creation Process

To create these photos I firstly started by going out into different places and started taking photos. The first selection of image i took were ones which included a model with horror make-up and a steam-punk outfit. Anoter set of photos were taken in a pond of lily pads and rushing water. Another set was then taken in chester zoo.


  1. Above was the first stage of taking these photo, although once this process was done I started to move all the photos from the SD card to my laptop.

  2. The photos I'd taken at each shoot were then seperated into different folders dependsing on whether they were of good quality or if they were of bad quality. The good quality photos would later be used in my final images for my triptography experiment, I did this so they were easily accessable and also easy to find once in Photoshop. It gave me the ability to not go searching through literally thousands of photos to find the good quality ones.

  3. The selected photos were then dragged into Photoshop to start the editing process. This began with making three different layers, the first layer consisted of my main images. These were three images which I merged together along one line to look as though there were some sort of panarama shot.

  4. As said in stage 3 I re-did this process another two times with different images, finally I was left with three layers and on each layer it looked as though there was some sort of panaramic image.

  5. Once the base layers were I started to then experiment with blending modes in Photoshop and changing the opacity on different layers and replaying them with layers above it or below it, these different effects started to overlay all the images to make one, and gave a surrealistic triple exposure effect.

  6. After spending a long amount of time changing the effetcs on each layer and trying to make it look as effective as it possibly could,  I then started of the editing layers. Doing this gave me the ability to add more contrast and more hue saturations on different layers. 

  7. Once the image was done I saved it as a Jpg to my laptop and then uploaded it on this website.

Digital Triptography Results

Below you will find the final pieces I created for my digital triptography. 
These consisted of pictured taken from various photoshoots which were placed in a 1200 x 300 size file. The size of  file was specifically set to replicate the effect film would create. To also replicate this I also placed multiple images on the same layer, I duplicated this three times to create the triptography effect, and then changed the different layer effect so that they contasted, and overlayed each other effectively. 

Contact Sheets

Below you will find a contact sheet of all the photos i used within creating my digital triptography.

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