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Final Piece No. 1 - "Triptography"

Creation Process

To create these photos I firstly started by going out into different places and started taking photos. The first selection of image i took were ones which included a scenery .Anoter set of photos were a selective variety of skulls.  Another set was then taken in chester zoo.


  1. Above was the first stage of taking these photo, although once this process was done I started to move all the photos from the SD card to my laptop.

  2. The photos I'd taken at each shoot were then seperated into different folders dependsing on whether they were of good quality or if they were of bad quality. The good quality photos would later be used in my final images for my triptography experiment, I did this so they were easily accessable and also easy to find once in Photoshop. It gave me the ability to not go searching through literally thousands of photos to find the good quality ones.

  3. The selected photos were then dragged into Photoshop to start the editing process. This began with making three different layers, the first layer consisted of my main images. These were three images which I merged together along one line to look as though there were some sort of panarama shot.

  4. As said in stage 3 I re-did this process another two times with different images, finally I was left with three layers and on each layer it looked as though there was some sort of panaramic image.

  5. Once the base layers were I started to then experiment with blending modes in Photoshop and changing the opacity on different layers and replaying them with layers above it or below it, these different effects started to overlay all the images to make one, and gave a surrealistic triple exposure effect.

  6. After spending a long amount of time changing the effetcs on each layer and trying to make it look as effective as it possibly could,  I then started of the editing layers. Doing this gave me the ability to add more contrast and more hue saturations on different layers. 

  7. Once the image was done I saved it as a Jpg to my laptop and then uploaded it on this website.


This is a screenshot showing some of the experimentations I did whilst creating my first final piece. To start with some of the experimenting I did was with the blending modes in Photoshop. In order to make my triptography images blend together and make one image, it meant I needed to slightly overlay each image on top of the next.

To start with, I began by blending my first and second layer together, I did this by changing the blending modes on photoshop to multiply, this in tern didn't work very well and caused both my images to go extremely dark. I then decided to change the second later to Linear Dodge ( Add ), and it caused the layer to overlay nicely but not darken the image below it. This blending mode made my colour saturation in the two image compliment each other, this was something I wanted.

As for the third layer, I simply lowered the opacity so that it would overlay onto layer one and two, and this made the final stylized design I was looking for.

Final Piece

Below is my one of my Final pieces for this unit. This style has specific been developed from my triptography experiments

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